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Ms. Chen问:
My 11 year old nephew has spent the last two summer school holidays in the US with us, attending a summer camp in US. He also came to visit with his parents for this winter holiday. He really wants to study in the US. When he was here we visited a local Christian school (Hillcrest Christian School-a private school which provides a similar arrangement for overseas students and is listed in SEVIS schools), and they offered him a place there. My sister applied for an F-1 student visa, and he was recently interviewed and denied an F-1 visa by the US Embassy in Shanghai, China. The Visa Officer in Shanghai said my nephew is too young for a US Christian school and rejected his application for the F-1 visa. We have a few options now:
1. should my nephew wait and apply for a student visa in China again next year?
2. should he apply for a tourist visa in China and apply for the transferring the student visa after entering the US next year. (we have a concern that his tourist visa may be rejected after his application for a student visa was rejected).
3. he has a multiple entry visa valid until May 2012 - should we let him enter the US before expiration of his tourist visa and try to transfer the tourist visa to student visa in the US – we were expecting him to visit for the winter holiday with his mother anyway?

Immigration Express答:

如果他用B-2签证进美国再改为F-1学生,一般来说,如果B-2签证未标注prospective student,将来要在美国改成学生,也是很困难,难度不比在领事馆签证低。


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